In 2004 I returned to the St.Louis region and was living on the Illinois side. Whenever I got the chance I would explore some of the old buildings of downtown St.Louis. Wandering into a hallway I’m not sure I was allowed to be, I captured this “Long Hall.” It was part of a skywalk system between two buildings. The white brick and the frosted glass windows offered a great contrast with the black window frames and black door at the end of the hall. I always love to capture strong depth-of-field in order to have the viewer truly be drawn into the photograph.
This was also one of my first photographs captured with a digital camera, the Nikon E4500. With its rotating lens it provided alot of ease in capturing interesting angles that were more challenging with other cameras. Though the megapixels sizes it captured had limitations I did not have with film, it was a fun camera for my first digital.
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