I have been a fine art photographer for over 25 years. I am seeking to branch out my art business more, while also looking to learn from designers all over about what kinds of subjects, styles, and artwork have been most popular in the St.Louis area and beyond. My mission is to better meet their needs matching wall art with their design concepts.
With this goal in mind I have begun publishing fine art photographic booklets, or “zines” as they are more commonly called, which will feature samples of my artwork. Today I am releasing my first zine entitled “Catching Light: The 2024 Designers Edition.” This issue is aimed at sharing the wide spectrum of my photographic artwork over the past 25 years in the areas of black & whites, rural, landscape, architecture, and many of my low light photography.
In the Designers Edition I have also paired with each photograph two sets of color codes of the most widely found colors in each image. The color codes included are for CYMK and RGB. I did this to help streamline the process of better serving designers’ needs with their projects.
At the “Where Art Meets Interiors” event I will have a few print versions of this zine, however, a digital version of the zine will also be available as a FREE download in the Shop on my website. This is the first in what will be an ongoing series of publications sharing my past and future photographic artwork. If you are a designer, I welcome all comments and questions in how I might serve your projects better.
The title of this zine will be “Catching Light: The Spark.” My love of photography began with a spark and I have been chasing and catching light ever since. I will be selling these at Oak & Front Kitchen + Bar in Washington, Missouri as part of the Spring Art Walk. The event runs from April 26th-27th. As a heads-up, I will be giving away some FREE prints at my display, so stay turned between now and then. Starting today and beyond Catching Light: The Spark is also available for order in my Shop.
It is hard to believe it has been over 25 years of capturing and collecting photographs across five U.S. states, exploring and combing back roads. I guess it is easy to lose track of time when you have a passion for light and shadow and seeking the beauty in every location and moment. It has been a pure joy and I am happy to share my artwork in ways I never have before. I invite you to check out the rest of my website and I hope you Enjoy the View.
To be notified of new postings, events, promotions, and to register for a chance to win a FREE fine art print of my photography, Subscribe on my newsletter and you won’t miss all that’s planned for 2024.