Check My New Shop & 20% Off!

mpolege / Shop / / 1 Comment

It is now official, I have opened my online gallery Shop after deciding it was long over due last December. In some ways this has been a project that began a few months ago, but more so it has been a goal set in motion 16 years ago when I first began photographing the places I discovered in North Dakota.

I wanted to celebrate my birthday in 2014 by opening my new Gallery Shop on that day, and by selecting and offering 24 of my most popular photographs I have captured and collected over the past 16 years.

Since before my time working at the Edwardsville Intelligencer as a photographer, I have always believed that every photo has a story behind it. I invite you to check-out my new Shop and learn about some of those stories I have had the privilege to capture.

As things progress I will continue to add new pieces to the Shop, offer discounts, and announce exhibits as I begin publicly displaying my work again. The best way to keep up on all of this is to Subscribe to my Newsletter.

I’d also like to announce that to help celebrate this opening of my new Shop I am also offering a 20% DISCOUNT on all purchases between FEB. 24th thru MARCH 7TH when you use the coupon code “PHOTO24“.

I would also love to hear from you on which photos you like the best or which ones you think should be added the Shop. As always, comments are always appreciated!

1 Comment

  1. Paul Seibert  —  February 24, 2014 at 5:43 pm

    Hooray! And Happy Birthday to YOU, Mark Polege!!


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